Walking With Grandmpa [my father and grand-daughter]

Walking With Grandmpa [my father and grand-daughter]
"I like walking with granpa his steps are short like mine." (dedicated to my dad who passed 4/1/10)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Chickens and Tator (my dog)

I had such a long week and was sooo glad to be setting on the couch just relaxing and watching TV last night just waiting for the chickens to go to roost (so I could shut them up) then take a nice hot shower. I heard a small noise outside but I was so sore (being lazy) I just did not want to get up then the noise got louder, I ran outside to see feathers flying everywhere! I don't know why she did it but Tator (my little Yorkie) was chasing the chickens and pulling out feathers. You wold have though it was a pack of dogs not one little 5 pound one! I caught her put her back in the house so now the chickens were everywhere except where they should be (in their house) and scared to death! I got out some feed and tried to talk some of them into the hen house, that only worked with about 7, the rest I had to find (some were in the trees barn, in my grand daughters playhouse).....I finally got them all into the hen house and got them calmed down. I think with the work I have got accomplished this week and now climbing trees to get chickens, I can actually say without a doubt that the hot shower I took last night was the best most relaxing one I have had in a long time!  :) When I let the chickens out this morning most look like Purty (above) missing tail feathers..

some a little worse (Penny is missing feathers on her back) but at least they are all going to be okay. They are going about today like nothing happened, (may have forgotten already) like penny, still hiding her eggs even though I put her and the others up for a week in the hen house. On the up side though her and only two others are laying anywhere and everywhere the rest are laying where they should be, so their weeks stay in the hen house did work for most! :)


  1. What a rodeo-dog wrangling and chicken catching!

    1. Yes she sure did have fun, don't know why she did it though she has been around them all the time.

  2. Now that he's had his fun, he'll never forget it and will want to repeat it the first chance he gets. You've got several years of keeping them separate ahead of you, unless you believe in shock collars and avoidance training.

    1. Tator is 9 years old thats what got me you would think she would not start at that age. I would try a shock collar but I'm affraid she would get out when I did not notice again and maybe kill some. I am making a small fenced area (with 4x2 14 guage wire) so I can let her out the back door and telling everyone to not let her out the front. Fingers crossed! She is part of the family I would hate to have to give her away.

  3. Why is it things like that happen when you're most tired?
    Murphy's law I believe!
    Glad the chooks are over it!

    1. It does seem to work that way! :) Have a great day!


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