This is always the most exciting part for me, breaking the ground for the start of a new project! I was surprised at how deep he actually had to dig, ended up about 6 foot (there will be 3 foot of dirt on top). We were lucky though (or I guess hubby was) that he didn't encounter any rocks so this part of the adventure was accomplished in a day.
Molly's dirt pile, she became really comfy there over the weeks (almost a month) because
After we got this poured it rained and rained for almost a month
Finally it dried up enough that we could start pouring again
Here it is all finished with the vents and door in and the paint sealer on, dried and waiting for hubby to start back filling
Jim was making one of our ponds deeper so he used some of that dirt for the cellar top also. We had more rain so we had to stop for a few more weeks.
But when all was said and done (Jim had cellar covered), Mrs Molly got her dirt pile back. This is her go to spot now, she sets on the small hill and looks down onto the lower field and barks. Since this area is downhill past the creek she has a fairly good site advantage.
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