Walking With Grandmpa [my father and grand-daughter]

Walking With Grandmpa [my father and grand-daughter]
"I like walking with granpa his steps are short like mine." (dedicated to my dad who passed 4/1/10)

Monday, July 29, 2013

Summer chores, flowers and bee's oh my :D

Sorry have not been posting much lately, between my little ones stay in the hospital (pneumonia), working on the house, taking care of the garden, canning, getting our curriculum together and my vertigo acting up more than normal I have been a mess!
Hubby got about 30 acres bush hogged over the weekend, the sticker bushes were starting to get bad, sad to say but we have really gotten behind this year! Guess that's what happens when life gets in the way. He still has about 25 to go but at least its started. I did walk around and take pictures while hubby was working. Spring is my favorite time of the year, I hate the hot weather that accompanies summer and the sun with my complexion is not my best friend :) but I love all the flowers this time of the year they are everywhere! :)
I love watching the bee's, sometimes there are so many they get so loud! I tried having bee's a few years ago and they gathered and left (found the tree they went to I just don't bother them), I plan on ordering again and giving  it another try next spring.
I ran across a wild grape vine while walking, they usually don't make, but are pretty to look at.
One of my favorite flowers, the color jumps out at me in the woods :)
Our garden is doing really well my daughter, her boyfriend, my grand daughter and mom have been helping with the green beans. The tomatoes are finally turning so I can start canning salsa, ketchup, pizza sauce and whole tomatoes soon! :)
Sparky, Chewy and Gilbert the goat :) have started a new ritual (for them) every morning this is what I see first thing when I step out onto the porch, them waiting for me with Gilberts head against the door (thankfully its not glass)
Then every evening this is poor Gilbert, he finds his way out of his area but can never find his way back in so he waits for me to open the gate for him.
Thought this would make a nice end to my post haha, CoCo will never pose for me like most of the other animals. When she see's me with camera in hand she runs the other way....


  1. I think it freaked out my hens to see the red camera in place of my face. When I held it low without taking pictures, they became accustomed to it and finally did not bolt. Now, I have to train a new hen@

  2. Cute! Animals are so adorable. Once my nephew upset my dad, he took the chickens one at a time and got them to look at his finger and then he drew a line in the dirt and they watched him and just sat there not moving. He had 8 of them lined up before dad came to the barn lot, dad thought he had killed his chickens! My nephew clapped his hands and the chickens got up and walked away.

  3. I hope your little one is well by now. I know what you mean about life getting in the way of blogging... too many things to take of. Love the picture of everyone helping with the green beans, it actually looks like fun hehe! Gilbert is so darn cute, love the picture of him hanging on the fence! =]

    1. Sorry Angie I replied to you, just noticed it was not there, she is doing fine now they want to do tests to find out why she has had pneumonia Three times though. The garden is fun and not sure who had the most fun, them popping the green beans or me watching them :)

  4. I think it's funny you posted an entry about bees on my birthday. Considering my name is Hebrew for honeybee ^_^ love you mom.


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