Walking With Grandmpa [my father and grand-daughter]

Walking With Grandmpa [my father and grand-daughter]
"I like walking with granpa his steps are short like mine." (dedicated to my dad who passed 4/1/10)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Incubator, egg's and school project

Our school project over three last three weeks was to gather eggs from the hen house and take care of them, watching the temp, water and counting the days until hatching time.....first my granddaughter and I had to get the incubator from its storage area in the barn, clean it up and decide how many eggs we wanted for our project...at this stage she was not too interested but we decided on 14 eggs....
But when the first baby pecked a hole in its egg three weeks later and she heard the first chirp....
She was hooked!
I could not get her to move from the incubator all day...
As the babies hatched and were put under the heat lamp each one was given a name (by her), we ended up with 10 babies out of the 14 we sat...
She was still with the babies at 10:00pm that night, I actually had to convince her they would be fine while she slept.... 
 Even the 4 inches of snow we got the same day the little ones hatched did not get her attention..,,
Although it did get Chewys attention this is her favorite time of year!
The little ones are now four days old and the only thing they are interested in is their food and water :) with the weather the way it is I think they will be in the spare room for at least three weeks before they graduate to the enclosed porch. I think this has been a very good school project and of course my granddaughter is already asking when we are setting the incubator again!


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