Walking With Grandmpa [my father and grand-daughter]

Walking With Grandmpa [my father and grand-daughter]
"I like walking with granpa his steps are short like mine." (dedicated to my dad who passed 4/1/10)

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Chewy, ice and the pond

This was a very pretty snow, wet and cold, but pretty this is the beginning of our driveway
When I walked down to the pond to break the ice one morning for the cows there animal tracks all over the pond.....
A few days later when I broke the ice I found the culprit.......she was rolling around on the pond that was not so frozen anymore.....our 100 pound chewy.....I worry when she is out doing her nightly rounds now she is going to make me worry when the ponds are only semi-frozen 


  1. Replies
    1. That's what I told her Jane! Then she started jumping and rolling so I had to walk away my tummy was in knots!

  2. Since we are getting a GP next week I have been doing a lot of reading on them. Seems like they love the water and are great swimmers. However a frozen pond would be very cold if he fell in. All that hair must be great insulation!

    1. It is! I have to shave her in the summer she has an awful time with the heat


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