Walking With Grandmpa [my father and grand-daughter]

Walking With Grandmpa [my father and grand-daughter]
"I like walking with granpa his steps are short like mine." (dedicated to my dad who passed 4/1/10)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Reminiscing, College Graduation and the garden....

This post starts out with a bit of reminiscing....
Hubby and I on May 24, 1986, this week makes 27 years that I have been married to my best friend! :)
Our oldest daughter Mel and son Jake at Halloween.... I think the "looking through old photos" this morning was because I have been feeling just a tiny bit like "were did the time go"! and I want it back kinda thing. My baby graduated last May from High School and my oldest just graduated from her first college this week. Now (for her) two more colleges to go and my son starts back in the fall, my babies, I finally realized grew up on me!
Both our girls

Melissa does stand out in a crowd always has haha..... (they let her dye her hair pink for graduation, but would not allow combat boots), she says just one more year of play, at her graduation next May she has to grow up, no more being silly with hair etc.....then for the last four years of college, she said will be time to grow up  :(
All three of our babies together on the left and hubby and our daughter on the right, the graduation was very special, kinda sad for me...but very special....now on to other things...
Our grand daughter is so silly...she comes running in the other day and says nanny...Got Milk?
I took a nasty fall a few day before the garden could finally be planted.....my luck.... was wondering what I was going to do because it had to be planted, they were prediction rain the next day (again)  and the ground just was dry enough to plant. I did get it tilled, the way I felt it took me the better part of the day! When I was starting to plant my sister, youngest daughter and her boyfriend came out and planted the whole garden for me! :) I told them I felt loved! The only thing left to plant is the Marigold's around the garden. :)
Einstein came out from hiding for a while today, she has a nest somewhere but I have not been able to find it yet (she is the one on the back right with the top knot). I am hoping the nest is close to home so nothing will get her at night....


  1. I know exactly how you feel, My three are in their 40's now but I still miss them and can't believe they are gone for good even now.
    Make the most of every day, that's my motto now.
    By the wasy, we've been married for 50 years in Jan 2014, can't believe that either. lol

    1. Congrats you are very blessed! My mom and dad made it to 7 days before their 70th. Anniversary I hope we also have many more years together. I think that's been my problem with the kids this week it really has sunk in they are gone and I shouldn't feel like this! I am soooo happy they are leading their own lives and are happy, I just have a little sad deep inside......I will say that make the most of every when I feel down.
      Thanks :)

  2. I answered your egg question on my blog.

    Those are lovely children who are accomplishing lots. I know you are proud even as you are sad. All three of mine are gone.

    1. Thanks I will head over there now :)
      I am feeling better now, I know they have to grow up....

  3. Your daughter is beautiful! I love her hair, and for the record, I almost wore combat boots to my graduation, too, many MANY years ago. Also, I hope you've recovered from your fall!

    Thanks for commenting on my blog - I'm glad to have found yours as a result. :)


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