Walking With Grandmpa [my father and grand-daughter]

Walking With Grandmpa [my father and grand-daughter]
"I like walking with granpa his steps are short like mine." (dedicated to my dad who passed 4/1/10)

Friday, May 3, 2013

Rain, Rain

I have been watching the weather (and our ground) all week and Wednesday was the best its looked to get the garden tilled, I almost tilled and planted then I looked at the weather forecast and changed my mind (sooo glad I did) now with the rain.....down in the 30s.....did I say lots of rain and this is the second day.....I would have wasted my time, the garden would have washed away...... We can always use the rain, just wish I had the garden in :( well there is always next week.... Or the next week....better late than never! Although at the rate I am going....soon I may have to mow my garden! :D
The pond close to the house is over its banks, I have went down there three times so far today to throw fish back in. I need to check the water breaks but when I went to check on them the creeks were up and the water was so strong I could only see one water break from my vantage point and its down. I could not do any good now if they were both down, the cows are not going to nose around in this weather anyway. I wish I would have had my camera, where two creeks merge into one the water is a ways up into the lower field and its not supposed to stop raining until sometime tomorrow. My sister called and ask if we were ok, I ask why? She said the creek that crosses the highway we use to get into town is closed because the creek is 3 foot over the road and still raising. Something said for stocking up! I told her there was nothing we needed......and if she could not get here how was she going to help... haha...except maybe after the rains stop I could use her help with the water breaks.......   :) Cant believe so many things have happened since hubby left and he will still not be back until June 1st :(
I met Pam (friend since grade school) for our mile walk Wednesday while Mom was in pulmonary rehabilitation, anyway she gave me her finished manuscript to read before she sends it to her publisher, this is her second book her first was published two years ago (so proud of her). I told her it may take me a while (busy time of year) but looked again at the weather forecast and decided I would have plenty of time! I am a ways now into the book, its been the perfect few days to set down and read! :)


  1. We could use a little of that rain here. Enjoy the book.

  2. Dear Kim. Thank-you for visiting me today. You too have a lovely blog and I am glad you stumbled upon me.While you are in rain we are in sunshine, however spring has been late, but the snow is now gone and the ice out of the lakes, and rivers.The fields yet will not hold the cattle as they might get stuck in mud. Nothing for them to eat yet anyway, they do smell it though. It is a challenge to farm in the 21century, make a profit while keeping things the old ways.

    Have a nice weekend my friend.


  3. Thanks for the comment on the car boot finds .
    I still can't believe my luck, I'm sure the woman didn't really know what it was, just giving me the car boot talk about the loft etc. I really didn't expect it to work and when it did I was ecstatic.
    Bet I won't ever get quite such a bargain again, lol

    1. I know I would loovvee to find a bargain like that!

  4. Thank you for the sweet words and visit to mine.. I'm with you, just wish we could get some dry weather to get the gardens in.. It's either one extreme or another.. Hugs, Susie

  5. It has been raining a lot here also. I was finally able to get my tomato starters put into pots this last weekend. I am ready for warmer weather :)

    1. I am too! Its getting a little warmer , but still in the 40s at night


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