Walking With Grandmpa [my father and grand-daughter]

Walking With Grandmpa [my father and grand-daughter]
"I like walking with granpa his steps are short like mine." (dedicated to my dad who passed 4/1/10)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Two baby goats

We have two new babies here on the farm, (one was given to us by a neighbor) his goat had four little ones so he let her (the mother) keep two and plans to bottle feed one and gave one to us. My Mom and Grand daughter are ecstatic, for the time being the little one is in the corner of our living room in a play pen.
She is so tiny I am surprised all four have made it so far.
Mom and Sid are waiting on her hand and foot! :)
Our other new addition came a few days later, Coco had her first baby and since it was a single birth her little one is almost twice as big as our bottle baby.
Coco and two day old baby
She has cute markings with a nice little star
on her head
It doesn't seem like that long ago that Coco
was born, here she is with her sister and
Mom (Connie) at two days old

This picture with Sid and Coco also shows how
much my grand daughter has grown
With these two little ones running around makes me want spring to hurry up!


  1. Kim...your new babies are so sweet! Hope your Mom is doing much better! I was having issues for awhile with blogger and could not comment before.

  2. Beautiful bouncing babies to be sure!
    I LOVE that first photo of Sid - she a darling!

  3. You have the cutest babies at you place.

  4. They are so precious Kim...wish I was there to bottle feed one of them....love this!


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