Walking With Grandmpa [my father and grand-daughter]

Walking With Grandmpa [my father and grand-daughter]
"I like walking with granpa his steps are short like mine." (dedicated to my dad who passed 4/1/10)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Amaretto Apple Butter

I tried something different a couple of weeks ago that I thought was soooo good that I had to try to make it at home. Its one of those flavors that I guess you really like or its soso, Mom and I loved it but from both my sisters I got a thumbs up from one and a thumbs down from the other....Guess you cant please everyone.  :D
Since I have already frozen or canned all my apples I had no choice but to buy a gallon of applesauce (I could only find sweetened), but that's fine I new I would have to add sugar anyway. This recipe makes 6 pints and I think I came pretty close to the pint I purchased at the farmers market.
Ingredients I used
1 Gallon sweetened applesauce
2 cups amaretto
2 tsp cinnamon (or to taste)
2 cups sugar (or again to taste)
one box of fruit pectin
I added the above ingredients together
(except the fruit pectin)

 I cooked on low to medium heat for a little over an hour (stir often)
 then I added the fruit pectin and cooked about another 15 minutes,
 just until it starts to thicken
I then poured the amaretto apple butter into clean hot pint jars, added the two piece lids and hot water bathed them for 15 minutes.
I am having a slight problem with my blog post for the births in December when I try to load the pictures it gives me "You can upload JPG, GIF, or PNG files" I add my pictures with the browse option I just pull them off the desk top well its not there just the above upload, help anyone please !


  1. My goodness Miss Kim! This sounds soooo good..I cannot wait to try this! Thank you for sharing this yumminess!!

    1. Thanks but it will not come close to your recipe's!! :)

  2. I had this problem with my blog once. Is yours fixed yet? If not, I will try to figure out my fix. I do remember it was easy.


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